Dahlonega Network Group
The purpose of the Dahlonega Network is “via effective business relationships and networking opportunities, develop our respective businesses and enhance revenue, provide professional development, and facilitate & nurture partnerships in our Community.” Dahlonega Network is dedicated to maximizing the use of your time and resources to secure good business referrals.
Dahlonega Network Group is composed of chamber members who are sales people and business owners located in, and/or doing business in Dahlonega and Lumpkin County. The Group provides a structured, positive, and professional "word-of-mouth" program that enables members to develop long-term, meaningful relationships with quality business professionals, gain a more in-depth knowledge of fellow member’s businesses, exchange business referrals, and utilize these resources to grow and expand their respective businesses.
More Information: Contact the Chamber at membership@DLCchamber.org or 706-867-3762.
Committee Mission: To be determined through the Chamber Board's 2022 Strategic Planning
More Information: Contact Robb Nichols, President, (706) 867-3766 or robb@DLCchamber.org.
Committee Mission: To be determined through the Chamber Board's 2022 Strategic Planning
More Information: Contact Robb Nichols, President, (706) 867-3766 or robb@DLCchamber.org.
Committee Mission: To be determined through the Chamber Board's 2022 Strategic Planning
More Information: Contact Robb Nichols, President, (706) 867-3766 or robb@DLCchamber.org.